Monday classes will start Aug 29th- NO CLASS SEPT 5th
Tue, Wed, Thur classes will start Sept 6th, 7th, and 8th
Tuition this year is $40/month. This is based off of a 3 1/2 classes per month.
Most months there will be 4 classes but there will be a few months with 3 classes.
Changes this year
We will be renting out a venue for the recital this year (the weather hasn't cooperated the last two years) therefore there is a $15 recital fee. This will be due with April Tuition
There are a few different ways you can pay tuition this year... the preferred way is Venmo (@tinytumblers) also I bank at America First 21817861 if you can do a direct transfer. If writing a check please put your child's name somewhere on the check and make it out to Missy Fox.
You are not required to sign a year contract and are welcome to stop tumbling at any time but I ask that you give me a 2 week notice so that I may fill your child's spot.
Attached is the information sheet and waiver. If you are a returning student you do not need to fill this out again.
Ms. Becca, Ms. Brinley, Ms. Macy, and I are soooo excited about this upcoming season! As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You will get the quickest response via text 801-682-0187. If you are unsure of when your child's class is please text me.
See you soon,
Missy Fox
Tiny Tumblers Farmington on FB
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