Information/Waiver Sheet

Information sheet

Childs Name …………………………………………………………

Parents Name………………………………………………………….

Home Number……………… Cell………………………Text-Yes/No

Emergency Contact………………………..Phone………………………….

Email (this is usually how I will contact you)……………………………………………

Childs Birthday……………………………………………..Age……………..

Childs likes and/or interests……………………………………………………………..



I will not hold the owners or any staff member at Tiny Tumblers gym, liable for any injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) sustained while in the gym.


The “I understand” section

I understand that there is a yearly registration fee which includes T-shirt and recital, due at sign up. Venmo @Tinytumblers is the preffered method of Payment!

I understand Tuition $45/month is due on the first day of each month. There is a $10 late fee if paid after the 10th

If my child is sick I understand that he/she is not to attend class


Thank you so much! Missy Fox


  1. Information sheet

    Childs Name: Olivia DeSantis

    Parents Name: Gina DeSantis

    Home Number: n/a Cell: 801-791-8370 Text: Yes

    Emergency Contact: Dominic DeSantis Phone: 801-540-4910

    Email (this is usually how I will contact you):

    Childs Birthday: 09/17/2012 Age: 4 1/2

    Childs likes and/or interests: swimming, dance, soccer, & playing dress up



    I will not hold the owners or any staff member at Tiny Tumblers gym, liable for any injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) sustained while in the gym.

    Signed: Gina DeSantis

    The “I understand” section:

    I understand that there is a yearly $40 registration fee which includes a t-shirt and recital fee.

    I understand Tuition is due on the first day of each month. There is a $10 late fee if paid after the 10th. Make Checks Payable to Missy Fox.

    I understand that I will be charged $15 for any returned check

    If my child is sick I understand that he/she is not to attend class

    Signed: Gina DeSantis

    Thank you so much! Missy Fox

  2. Information sheet

    Childs Name: Sally Wight

    Parents Name: Amy Wight

    Home Number……………… Cell: 801-915-7266 Text-Yes

    Emergency Contact: Kim Prestridge (grandma) Phone: 801-856-8971

    Email (this is usually how I will contact you):

    Childs Birthday: February 17, 2015 Age: 3

    Childs likes and/or interests: Baby dolls, Frozen, dress ups


    I will not hold the owners or any staff member at Tiny Tumblers gym, liable for any injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) sustained while in the gym.

    Signed: Amy Wight
    The “I understand” section

    I understand that there is a yearly registration fee which includes T-shirt and recital, due at sign up. Venmo @Tinytumblers is the preffered method of Payment!

    I understand Tuition $45/month is due on the first day of each month. There is a $10 late fee if paid after the 10th.

    If my child is sick I understand that he/she is not to attend class

    Signed: Amy Wight

    Thank you so much! Missy Fox

  3. Information sheet

    Childs Name: Maci Goodrich

    Parents Name: Amy Wight/ Kevin Goodrich

    Home Number NA Cell: 801-9157266 (Amy) 801-660-8432 (kevin)

    Emergency Contact: Kim Prestridge (grandma) Phone: 801-856-8971

    Email (this is usually how I will contact you)……………………………………………
    Childs Birthday: February 26, 2014 Age; 4

    Childs likes and/or interests: Swimming, Coloring, Her Daddy


    I will not hold the owners or any staff member at Tiny Tumblers gym, liable for any injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) sustained while in the gym.

    Signed: Amy Wight and Kevin Goodrich

    The “I understand” section

    I understand that there is a yearly registration fee which includes T-shirt and recital, due at sign up. Venmo @Tinytumblers is the preffered method of Payment!

    I understand Tuition $45/month is due on the first day of each month. There is a $10 late fee if paid after the 10th.

    If my child is sick I understand that he/she is not to attend class

    Signed: Amy Wight and Kevin Goodrich

    Thank you so much! Missy Fox

  4. Childers name: Josie Naylor
    Parents name: Danielle Naylor
    Cell: 208-521-5826
    Emergency Contact: Danielle Naylor 208-521-5826
    Child’s Birthday: 11/14/2012
    Age: 6
    Child’s likes: Dance, singing, playing with friends, dolls


    I will not hold the owners or any staff member at Tiny Tumblers gym liable for any injury (minimal, serious, catastrophic, and/or death) sustained while in the gym.

    Signed: Danielle Naylor

    I understand that there is a yearly registration fee which includes T-shirt and recital, due at sign up. Venmo @tinytumblers is the preferred method of payment!

    I understand Tuition $45/month is due on the first day of each month. There is a $10 late fee if paid after the 10th.

    If my child is sick I understand that he/she is not to attend class

    Signed: Danielle Naylor

    Thank you so much! Missy Fox
