Monday, February 25, 2019

Schedule for 2019-2020

Here is the schedule for next season Aug 2019-May 2020

Registration will open 7pm on Wed. February 27th. 

This is offered for current Students only 

$45 Registration fee is due at sign up 

Tuition will remain the same 
$40/month additional sibling 

9:00-10:00am (Missy)
3 year olds 

10:10-11:10am (Missy)
Ages 4&5

12:30-1:30pm (Missy)
Ages 5&6

4:00-5:00pm (Lauren)
Beginning ages 5-7

5:05-6:05pm (Lauren)
  Must be able to hold a backbend and do a good cartwheel 

9:00-10:00am (Missy)
Ages 5&6

10:10-11:10am (Missy)
Ages 4&5

11:20-12:20pm (Missy)
Age 3 

4:00-5:00pm (Becca)
  Must be able to hold a backbend and do a good cartwheel 

5:05pm-6:05pm (Becca)
Advanced 2
Must have a great cartwheel, good handstand, can do a drop back, and is starting on backhand springs 

4:00-5:00pm (Adrie)
Beginning ages 6-8

5:05-6:05pm (Adrie)
 Must be able to hold a backbend and do a good cartwheel

6:10-7:10pm (Adrie)
Advanced 1
  Must have a great cartwheel, good handstand, and is working on drop backs and kick overs 

9:00-10:00am (Becca)
4&5 year olds 

10:10-11:10am (Becca)
5&6 year olds 

12:30-1:30pm (Becca) 
4&5 year olds 

1:30-2:40pm (Becca)
5&6 year olds 

5:05-6:05pm (Abby)
  Must be able to hold a backbend and do a good cartwheel

6:10-7:10pm (Abby)
Advanced 1 
  Must have a great cartwheel, good handstand, and is working on drop backs and kick overs