Monday, August 12, 2013

Fall Tumbling

Fall classes are filling up faster than expected to if you are interested and haven't let me know please do so then you are guarenteed the classes that you want.
Also, I'm sad to say I won't be offering a Boys Hip hop class in the Fall. I have loved teaching this class over the summer but I'm eliminating that class because I'm not able to teach after school classes with my kids being involved in Piano, scouts, singing, soccer, and T-ball. I would have Lynsey teach it but she only knows how to teach gymnastics/tumbling. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience for any of you. Again I have loved teaching this class and will offer it again next summer.
Thanks you so much for all those who have referred friends/family it is such a huge compliment to receive referral. Your kids make my job fun. Thank you for letting me teach them.
Missy Fox