Monday, November 28, 2016

December Email

Awesome Parents-

Here is the December schedule for tumbling. 
Classes run Dec 1st- Dec 21st
After Christmas break classes resume Jan 3rd. 

Clinics offered 
Friday Dec. 2nd 
Cartwheel clinic 2-2:45pm
Back handspring/walkover 3-3:45p
Friday Dec. 9th
Cartwheel clinic 2-2:45pm
Back handspring/walkover 3-3:45p
All clinics $13/students, $15/non-students 

Dec. 1st shirt sizes due! You can add payment to Dec tuition. Cost $10/each. We will wear the shirts at the recital. 

These shirts are optional. If you are not purchasing one please have a dark gray shirt your child can wear at the recital in May. 

Last I'm sooooo excited because January marks the 10th year Tiny Tumblers has been open!!! Thank you for your support, I really do have the best job ever!!!

Thank you so much and Happy Holidays,
Missy Fox

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tumbling starting

Yeah the new season is almost ready to start!

Monday classes will start Aug 29th- NO CLASS SEPT 5th

Tue, Wed, Thur classes will start Sept 6th, 7th, and 8th


Tuition this year is $40/month. This is based off of a 3 1/2 classes per month. 
Most months there will be 4 classes but there will be a few months with 3 classes. 

Changes this year
   We will be renting out a venue for the recital this year (the weather hasn't cooperated the last two years) therefore there is a $15 recital fee. This will be due with April Tuition

   There are a few different ways you can pay tuition this year... the preferred way is Venmo (@tinytumblers) also I bank at America First 21817861 if you can do a direct transfer. If writing a check please put your child's name somewhere on the check and make it out to Missy Fox.    

   You are not required to sign a year contract and are welcome to stop tumbling at any time but I ask that you give me a 2 week notice so that I may fill your child's spot.  
Attached is the information sheet and waiver.  If you are a returning student you do not need to fill this out again.

  Ms. Becca, Ms. Brinley, Ms. Macy, and I are soooo excited about this upcoming season! As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You will get the quickest response via text 801-682-0187. If you are unsure of when your child's class is please text me.

See you soon,

Missy Fox
Tiny Tumblers Farmington on FB

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Recital change

Looks like it's going to be pretty windy tomorrow night. And colder Sat morning.  We will hold the recital at  905 Foxhunter Dr. Farmington.  The Hunters creek church. Please still plan on bringing your own chairs. Thanks for being understanding. This weather is so unpredictable.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Summer now open

Summer Tumbling
$40 for 4 weeks
June 6th-June 30th

Mon. 12:15pm 1:15pm 4-5 years  (Missy) 7 spots
Mon. 1:30-2:30pm 5-6 years
(Missy) 7 spots

Tue. 9:00am-10:00am 3-4 years
(Missy) 7 spots
Tue 10:15am-11:15am 4-5 years
(Missy) 7 spots

Wed. 10:00am-11:00am 4-5 years
(Tana) 7 spots
Wed. 11:10am-12:10pm 5-6 years
(Tana) 7 spots

Cartwheel boot camp $45
July 12th, 13th, and 14th
(Missy&Jensyn) 8 spots

Back handspring boot camp $45
July 12th, 13th, and 14th
(Missy/Jensyn) 8 spots

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Recital Info

Recital dates
Please check your childs class day/time which is in parenthesis
under their recital Day/time of your recital. Most recitals have 2 classes paired together. Hopefully its not too confusing  
Day classes
         (Tue tot and me class)
         (Mon 1:10-2:05pm/2:10-3:10pm)
        (Mon 10-11am/noon-1pm)

After school classes
   (Mon 4-5pm/wed 5:05-6:05pm)
Wednesday May 25th 5:30-6:30pm
   (Tue 4-5/Wed 6:10-7:10pm)
Wednesday May 25th 6:30-7:30pm
   (Mon 6:10-7:10pm/tue 5:05-6:05pm/6:10-6;40pm)

We are so excited about the upcoming recital! We will be holding them in my backyard, this way we avoid a recital fee. Because we can't control the weather we will have the dates set and a backup date set in case of rain. 
   The kids are welcome to invite anyone they would like to the recital. You do need to provide your own chairs. Please be aware that we do have a tramp and play set in the backyard that is very tempting for little ones to play on, but during the recital we ask that all children refrain for playing on the equipment ( it's a distraction for the tumblers). 
   I will send out reminders about the recital as it gets closer. These recitals aren't long. Plan on about an hour. 
  Let me know if you have questions,

Missy Fox

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Registration for younger classes now open

Registration open for Fall. Current students only

We have the younger classes all set up for next season Sept 2016-May 2017. Current students get first choice on all classes. Older classes (after school) will be available once a teacher had been hired. There is a $20 non-refundable registration fee to hold your child's spot. Tuition will remain $40/month. Current students will have until Feb. 1st to register, then registration opens up to those on the waiting list and the public.
Here are the classes;

9-10am 3 year olds (Missy)
10:10-11:10am 4-6 year olds (Missy)
12:30-1:30pm 4-6 year olds (Missy)
1:35-2:35pm 4-6 year olds (Missy)

9-10am 3 year olds (Becca)
10:10-11:10am 4-6 year olds (Becca)
11:10-12:10pm 4-6 year olds (Becca)

9-10am 3 year olds (Missy)
10:10-11:10am 4-6 year olds (Missy)

This is on a first serve basis. The registration fee holds your spot.